The Money Earner

Earn $3 crypto with Coinbase learn and earn Pool answers

Earn $3 free with Coinbase learn and earn Pools answers

Coinbase learn and earn is back with another way to earn some free cryptocurrency within seconds. This time you can get P00Ls tokens for some very simple questions

Where to find Learn and earn quiz?

There are a number of other Learn and Earn opportunities with past answers being found here but they do not always hang around too long. They can be found here.

The Learn and Earn section of Coinbase can be navigated quite easily from the main page

What are the P00Ls token Coinbase answers?

1. What is P00Ls

Answer: A social token platform for fans, artists, creators, and brands

2. What is the 00 token?

Answer: The official token of the zero-zero ecosystem

3. How does P00LS connect fans with creators?

Answer: Giving social token holders their phone number

You might not want P00Ls token, you might want to change this to another cryptocurrency, perhaps stacking the sats in the form of some more bitcoin, or potentially topping your ETH up in anticipation of the merge. Well with Coinbase this couldn’t be easier and better yet is free with no fees.


The Coinbase fee doesn’t really make it worth selling charging a £0.99 fee for selling the £2.60 worth of P00Ls tokens.

Just click on the asset once in the account and next to buy and sell choose convert and you can convert to any other cryptocurrency for free.

Stay tuned for more ways to earn money and more learn and earn opportunites

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